

Meet your coach


Welcome! Dr. Katrina Stone became a executive coach after spending the early part of her career as a consultant and federal scientist, and completing a 12-month senior leadership development program. Because of this transformative experience, she now works with leaders seeking to harness their strengths and contemplating transitions to a new role or lead teams with more trust and productivity. Her work is grounded in positive psychology and helping clients grow their emotional intelligence. Based in metro Washington, DC, her clients span the globe.

Katrina holds the ACC credential from the International Coaching Federation and is certified in emotional intelligence, behavioral, and personality assessments (EQi 2.0 & EQ 360, FIRO, DISC, and MBTI). She completed her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania and post-graduate training at the College of Executive Coaching. Born and raised in southern California, she finds joy hiking in places such as Costa Rica, swimming, skiing, or scuba diving -- sometimes with sharks in the Blue Hole in Belize or with sea lions off Anacapa Island in Santa Barbara. She and her husband have logged more than 200 dives, 20+ years of marriage, and have one spunky teenager.